Basic Report

  • Provide an Eir Code & we will provide;
  • A basic Overview Report of site suitability for Solar PV
  • (Based on Satellite data, with no site alterations )
  • Date provided to us for report preparation is managed
  • using GDPR Guidelines & is not shared with third parties.
  • We can email or Whats APP the Report to you

Advanced Report

  • Full remote Site Survey providing proposals for
  • Solar PV Layout & Fixing
  • Component List
  • Component Compatibility Report
  • Solar PV Electrical Diagram
  • Annual Output Performance Estimate
  • Financial Projections - Based on Material Costs ONLY
  • Installation Costs will be provided by your own locally sourced RECI - SEAI Approved installer
  • Date provided to us for report preparation is managed
  • using GDPR Guidelines & is not shared with third parties.

Full Site Survey

  • Due to Covid 19 we are restricting our travel and only offering limited Full Site Surveys at this time.
  • We offer the Site Survey to clients who have availed of the Full Report Service and are fine tuning the Solar installation prior to engaging their local RECI - SEAI appoved Electrician to carry out the installation. We offer assistance with NC6 ESB Networks notification and installation check sheets for clients to oversee the project.
  • The cost of this service depends on your location in relation to our base, (no extra charge once within 25 km of our base) with a 1 hour on site consultation included to cover all aspects of the installation and use of the solar electricity produced by the system. In keeping with our ethos we use an Electric Vehicle for travel so mileage costs are minimal.
  • Data provided to us for report preparation is managed
  • using GDPR Guidelines & is not shared with third parties.